Me: I love you Baby batman... Well, are you going to say "I love you Mommy"?
Baby batman: No, Mommy. I love choc-choc (chocolate)
For once, rain, I welcome you. On 2 hours sleep, I was not relishing going out for my walk. Also, Batman was up nearly the same amount of time I was. Thank God for coffee.
Registering Batman for T-Ball tonight :)
Batman: How old is daddy, mommy?
Me: He's 30
Batman: He's 30!!!! That's older than you, mommy!!!
Me: He certainly is.
Me, to daddy: the tooth fairy wouldn't happen to have another shiny loonie, would she??? Swear to God, he (Batman) pulled it out himself!
You know how kids sometimes sneak snacks when they assume you're not paying attention? Yeah... I just caught Brennan and Aidan with a bowl FULL of... Green Beans. Boys after Daddy's heart, indeed.
Brennan just lost his first tooth!!!!! (april 15th)